Our Testimonials

Ross’s big challenge was with his sales plan and process when he started with us, now he’s supercharged.

After coming to our Discovery Day we worked closely with Ross to identify a sales plan that would benefit his services a lot more and entice his clients to purchase more.

This has now revolutionized Ross’s business giving him a better understanding of his sales funnels, where his sales leads are coming from and has increased sales significantly.

Damien started with us to grow his business but what he got was a whole lot more.

Damien had real issues with time management and productivity. He was working in the business instead of on the business.

At our Discovery Day we showed Damien all the ways to improve and adapt in the current business environment and adopt a different mindset.

After joining the program Damien has now been able to get a better understanding of how to manage his time better free up time, change his business mindset.

Clive thought his business was running well, he started working with me and now is booming.

Clive’s biggest issue was time and how he could find time to generate income.

By coming to the Discovery Day we showed Clive the techniques, hints and tips to help him free up time.

Since our Discovery Day, Clive has put new systems in place that has allowed him to focus on company growth. This in turn has given him the drive and motivation to grow his business even more.

Before working with us Louis was working in his business instead of on his business. Now he’s free’d up time to grow his business.

At our Discovery Day Louis learned how to choose the right KPIs for his business and his staff. Louis also learned the tactics and strategies that would allow him to manage his time better.

Since the Discovery Day Louis has streamlined his business. He has implemented new systems. He has also introduced new staff KPIs. The staff now have targets to work towards which has increased productivity massively.


Gareth didn’t know where his leads were coming from. After working with us he’s now got the right systems in place.

By working with us Gareth was able to understand how to better systemise his business and create a better rapour with staff. The tips and techniques that Gareth was given have proven to be really beneficial in the growth of his business.


“What I loved most was learning from someone who has actually implemented the strategies talked about.”

Before the Discovery Day Patjoe had issues with time management, accounts and understanding his value to the business.

After coming to the Discovery Day Patjoe was able to see where he was wasting time and where he should be spending his time. He also discovered that he was not valuing himself enough. He has now implemented the right systems that has allowed him to free up time to focus on business growth.


“One of the best things about the Discovery Day was being in the same room with like-minded people”.

By coming to the Discovery Day Barry was able to share his insights and knowledge with fellow like-minded business owners.

By coming to the Discovery Day Barry was able to get a better understanding of what needed to be done in his business to help it grow.

Barry is now able implement all of the strategies and tactics that he learned on the Discovery Day.


Micheál was focused too much on time operating tasks when he should have been spending time on revenue generating tasks.

The Discovery Day provided Micheál with the tools to track his time and see areas where he could be more productive.

After the Discovery Day Micheál has been able track his time and by looking at the results he has made his time a lot of efficient.